Activación de conductores

Hola, cómo hago para que los interesados en ser conductores puedan precargar sus datos directamente en la aplicación de conductor? Y luego yo los valide después de verificar los datos

Dear Rodrigo,

Thank you for your question.

You have to invite drivers from My hub, after which they have to fill out their registration and submit it for review. Once approved from your side, the drivers become active.
Kindly consult the post below for details


I added two demo drivers to my hub traying to figure out all the process of the system to start working on marketing, but in the section to activate the drivers or desactivate thm or to fail them, the system doens’t allow to activate or not the selected choice… what is wrong?


" the system doens’t allow to activate or not the selected choice…"
Will you kindly elaborate on the error or send screenshots of the issue?

Please, try to consult the post for driver activation How to add, suspend and delete drivers | Onde Help Center


I am traying to register a new driver today… now the system put him as “invited”, just when I register the driver in without adding the whole data of him yet, then system signs him as “invited” not allowing to suspend or not the driver nor to modyfy any of the drivers details… Why does the system do this not allowing to suspend driver (if I needed it) or modify its details?, and not allowing also to modify any changes when I register him form the hub? It does not appear the option to save neither if modify the driver details…

The others 2 drivers that I have registered allow to suspend or not the driver as option rightly…

Hi, aquilohaymanager! Please, note that you can delete invited drivers at any moment. You can’t put them on hold or edit any details until they become “Waiting for activation”.

For the driver to change status from “Invited” to “Waiting for activation”, he needs to log into your driver app and fill in his profile and vehicle details. Then you will be able to review them and activate the driver or change his details. If you change the driver’s details, the driver will need to check his profile again and approve them before you can activate him.

The whole process is described here: How to add, suspend and delete drivers | Onde Help Center


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Got it! Thanks

And what if I erased them? could them get in into the drivers app and signin?
This becuase this perhaps driver had not all the details that we need of them to get approbed…So this in the case of did it, then I could activate them mannualy…

I erased this driver for this issue this time… I think so He has to contact us againg if he wanted to activate or to login into the drivers app, right?

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Dear Customer,

Yes, deleted drivers have to be invited and registered anew.


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No me permite la opción de activar o desactivar a un conductor esas opciones estan sin funcional

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Dear Partner,

Please, check that your company user has the necessary level of permissions to activate/deactivate drivers.
Also, one can activate a driver only if all the mandatory fields in the profile are filled in.


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Uploading: Screenshot_20240529-172111.png… quiero añadir mas conductores y no me deja no envia mensaje de invitacion

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Hi! I am afraid the screenshot cannot be opened. Could you kindly reattach it to your message?

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Boa tarde, fiz o teste como motorista no meu painel de controle botando um numero de telefone mais não recebi nenhum convite por sms

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Dear Roger,

Thank you for your message. As far as I understand, you have already reported this issue earlier to We are looking into it.


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Os motoristas não estão recebendo o SMS

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Vou desistir do app pois nenhum motorista consegue entrada erro

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Dear Customer,

Such an error appears if you’ve requested more than 5 SMS within 24 hours. A profile is blocked by the system to prevent SMS fraud. The user will be automatically whitelisted in 24 hours.
You can read more about it here: Anti-fraud sms regulation | Onde Help Center
