Aplicativo onde marca branca

Olá pessoa alguém aqui já contratou o aplicativo com marca branca.
Eu consultei com Tim preço não é tão ruim por que posso trabalhar em todos estado do Brasil .
Eu queria ver as funcionalidades do aplicativo se tem mais benefícios por que PickmeApp muito básico o aplicativo

Dear Daniel,

I will outline major benefits of branded apps:

  • Brand identity: branded customer app (WL) secures your company’s exclusivity, recognition and strong position on the market.

  • No data sharing: branded app offers your company’s tariffs and fares ONLY. While PickmeApp displays all available tariffs and rates of companies sharing the same operational area.

  • No order sharing: your drivers ONLY will receive jobs from the branded customer app. With PickmeApp the order goes to the closest available driver working on our platform in the same area.

  • Extra source of new orders/clients: if you unselect “Do not provide service tо travelers” (tab Company) your drivers will also get jobs from other apps on our platform (generic PickmeApp or other brand travelling clients) in your operational area radius:

This will:

  1. bring in extra orders

  2. increase your revenue

  3. convert PickmeApp clients into your regular customers

  • More user friendly interface: “Wallet” in branded app allows to store credit cards and process payments with one button click. PickmeApp does not have a credit card payment option. A credit card details can be introduced on “Confirm booking” screen or right before payment for the trip.

  • Your company’s contact data: “Get in touch” section of your branded apps has all the contact data of your company. Your clients may communicate their needs and leave feedback at any time.

There are many other benefits as well, our business development manager Tim can provide you with more details about it.


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