Back to Demo for more Correction

As i was trying to amend my centre for radius, i got a reply showing “settings done on Demo”. Can i get back to demo?

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I’ll be interested to know as well.

Dear Partners,

Once switched to production mode, one cannot go back to demo. Working zones should be editable in production mode too. Please specify exactly the steps you take and send us a screenshot of the error.


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I’m looking to switch to onde light production from demo, is there a support documentation for that process? i’m not sure if i’m supposed to delete demo and start all over?

the documentation i read indicates that admins are the only ones who can add the company name/branding and connection of webapp to company account.

Hello! Operational area should be edited in another tab. Please, check this guide: Custom operational area configuration | Onde Help Center


Dear Partner,

Eagle Travel Onde light company is already in production mode. Brand identity is available to full Onde partners only.


So I still don’t know if the webapp I placed is Demo or Production?

Dear Partner,

You’ve placed demo web app. You should use web app link with your brand name. It will become available after you more to production (link to web app will be in Applications&services tab).
