Clarity On Where 2 Use Price/Time & Price+Time

Dear Team,

Will you please clarify on advantages, disadvantages & difference of using fee Price/Time & Price+Time fee structure?Is this has to do with a location?Thanks


Dear Keletsom,

The “Time + mileage” meter calculates the trip cost by adding together the distance traveled, multiplied by a per kilometer/mile rate, and the trip time, multiplied by a per minute rate. This mode is straightforward and ensures that both time and distance are always factored into the price. On the other hand, the “Time or mileage” mode switches between charging for time or distance based on the vehicle’s speed. If the speed is below a certain threshold, the trip is charged per minute; if above, it’s charged per kilometer/mile. The speed threshold is a configurable setting.

The advantage of “Time or mileage” is that it can be more favorable in heavy traffic conditions, where the vehicle is often stationary or moving slowly, as it ensures the driver is compensated for time spent in traffic. Conversely, “Time + mileage” is more straightforward and may be preferred in areas with less traffic, as it consistently accounts for both time and distance without switching between modes.

The choice between these two fee structures can indeed be influenced by location, as areas with heavy traffic might benefit more from a “Time or mileage” structure, while less congested areas might be better served by “Time + mileage”. The “Time or mileage” mode is particularly useful for areas with heavy traffic situations and multiple regulated crossroads.


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