Company bank account

I’d like to know how to load banking details on Myhub.If my courier business starts to sign up drivers.How am I going to get a commission from them on the system?This is also important taking into account that there are no card payments on Ondelight and it’s only cash.So that means drivers will always have cash in the pocket.So what about the company?

Dear Keletsom,

Please, check this post about driver plans: Managing driver plans | Onde Help Center
With the help of driver plans you can automatically charge commission from your drivers for each order.
As there are no card payments in Onde light, drivers will have to top up their balance with cash by paying to your company directly in order to cover the debt when commission is charged.


Hi Anna,
I read your reply together with the article you referred me to.This is bit confusing when coming to the issue of commission rate charged to drivers. Okay, my company has decided to charge drivers a fixed commission rate of 18% per successful order or trip cost.So when adding rates/tarries or service types on my hub.Under fees tab or section,where you set up a cost per minute or kilometer.I actually, included my 18% commission rate charged to drivers in that section.So I was not really sure where the company’s commission rate should be configured.But when I read your article, it looks like under driver plans where it’s written order fee.It’s actually a commission rate charged or deducted from drivers

Hello again Anna,

So will you clarify my questions from the previous email?Hence, under driver plans where it’s written order fee.I thought it’a Where I should capture a booking fee billed to customers.I confused it with a commission rate charged to drivers for orders they excepted and successfully executed.Where a order source could be mobile app, web app or operator app the % is the same.Under service types or tariffs section, can I add a booking fee billed to customer as part of fee included in a price per minute or kilometer?That’s where I got confused.So since I want to charge a commission of 18% per successful order.Under driver plans, can I select non- recurring payment plan type instead of recurring?Because I have been using myself as a test driver and added driver subscription plans using recurring payment method.Plus under order fee, I captured 3% because I thought it was referring to booking fee and not commission rate 18% that I want to charge the drivers.
Please clarify on this one.

Dear Keletsom,

You are absolutely right: driver plans are used for charging commission from drivers only, it has nothing to do with customers. You can choose between having a plan either with or without recurring payments in the field “Period” next to the “Name” field.

To charge commission from customers, please, go to Tariffs tab. There’s no such field dedicated specifically to “Booking fee”, however, you can set up a fee in the field “Additional fee” for each tariff separately. Please, check this article for more details: Customer additional fee | Onde Help Center


Hi Anna,

Your answer and clarity are hereby noted well.I’ll change or swap driver commission from tariffs/rates section to driver subscription plans.As I’be done vice versa with customer additional fee(Booking fee).I’ll therefore edit customer fee structure and see what kind of additional fee I can add.Since I want to introduce the insurance cover to my courier/delivery business.I think I can charge that insurance benefit as additional fee to customers on top of an order cost.That’s why I was thinking.

Dear Anna,

Still on the issue of “No Card Payments” available on a Onde Light platform.And my company can’t be able to add a business account on My hub for drivers to load funds and the company deduct commission directly from their accounts.In your reply or article, you mentioned that a driver can deliver hard cash to company offices. Then company owner can manually load the money into driver’s in-app balance.This part didn’t sit well with me.Because it’s as if I’m operating a digital business like a traditional public transport style.And I don’t want my company to hide any money from South Africa’s Tax authority.Since it’s a legally registered company through a State-owned registration office.Instead of drivers delivering hard cash to me.Because as a startup, I don’t have an office.Can they simply make electronic funds transfer of a company’s commission into our business account?

Dear Keletsom,

I’m afraid as credit card payments are not available for Onde light, payments outside our system is the only option. You have to organize payments between drivers and your company outside of the app: cash or any other options you can come up with. In the end you will have to manually top up drivers’ balances in My hub anyway.
Credit card payments can be set up for partners who purchased full White-Label solution with Onde.


Dear Anna,

Thank you for the reply to the below question.I hear that payments have to be arranged between the driver and company outside the system.As a registered company and doing things professionally.Instead of drivers to submit cash.I’ll instruct them to make electronic payments.Because my company has a bank account and I don’t want to hide money from tax man in South Africa.So if a driver transfers R500 in order to accept orders or take jobs.It means I should manually load same amount on my hub?So that the company can deduct a commission rate charged to a driver?

Dear Kelestom,

You are correct. If you receive a payment from the driver, you need to add funds to his balance in MyHub manually. The process is not automated.


Dear Anna,

Just a follow up question on loading funds manually into driver’s Account. Since you say the process is not automated. How do a company deducts a commission rate from a driver per successful order?Im just curious about the process.Does it mean that every time a driver executes an order.Let’s say 10 trips per day.Should I go to Myhub to manually calculate the amount or commission due to my company per order?Then when a driver transfers money to top up their in-app balance.So it’s when I can deduct a commission due to the company from the amount?Because in this case it appears that the driver will always carry cash in their pocket.

Thank you for your clarity.

Dear Keletsom,

No need to manually calculate and deduct your company commission from drivers. It can be automated with the help of driver plans. Please check this post:Managing driver plans | Onde Help Center
The commission will be charged from the driver’s in-app balance. This in-app balance is like a deposit of your drivers which they will use to cover your company commissions. This deposit they pay by bringing cash to you directly or by sending money to your company’s bank account outside our platform.
