Orders do not appear in myHub > orders history

I made couple of test orders but nothing appears in myHub > orders history. Despite the ride has been done and terminated. (Received all emails).

Any idea?

Hi, DropMe! Did you run the search by the customer’s/driver’s phone number? Please, note that the list of all orders is not shown by default, orders history shows orders of a specific user only and you need to search by their phone number first.

Just tried a few different ways with phone numbers both for customers and drivers but nothing seems to work :confused:

Dear Partner,

Please note that I’ve checked order history in your company and it works fine. Please describe your steps in more detail and provide a screenshot if the problem persists.


Indeed, today it’s working perfectly. Any reason why I can not find by customer name? Would be much more convenient.

Thank you.

Dear Partner,
Thx for confirming all is good now.

Search by customer name in Orders list tab in My hub is not available by design.
