Phone Blacklisted

Good day, My company mobile phones is blacklisted due to more than 2 drivers using the same phone, can someone please assist me in whitelisting the phones.

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Dear Branded,

Multiple drivers should not use the same device. The system recognizes such behavior as fraudulent and blacklists the device for a month in case more than 2 phone numbers are used to authorize on the same device. This is the default platform logic.


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That’s a shame, as I always like to see people cooperating to economize and stretch thin resources!

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But how can I white list the device?

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Dear Branded,

As an exception this time we will whitelist the device. Please abstain from using multiple numbers on a single device in future.

What is the other phone number used on your device apart from the one shown in the screenshot above?


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We have 5 mobile phones, but only 2 of them are not working, so if you can see all numbers please

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Hi, Branden!

Thank you for the list. The phone numbers are whitelisted.

Have a nice day!



Estimado administrador, podrías también poner en lista blanca este número?


Y pido disculpas por tantos intentos y pruebas,que resultaron logicamente, al querer probar el funcionamiento de Onde repetidas veces en distintos dispositivos. Gracias!

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Hi, gerard_2024!

As far as I can see, this phone number is not blacklisted. What error message do you see? A screenshot would be much appreciated.


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Hi, we are making some test and after logout in a phone, we have same problem trying to relog with same number. Also we tried with other numbers and still cant log any. If this message shows is because that number is blacklisted? (Numbers are +529981972053, +529985343404, +529983051927)

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Also want to ask, does a driver can be registrated in 2 companies (2 Onde accounts) at same time? How can it works

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Dear Partner,

I’ve whitelisted the numbers provided.

A driver can be registered in 2 companies with the same phone number. However, a driver cannot be online simultaneously in 2 companies. He has to choose which company he wants to work in upon log in.



Buen día, gusto en saludar. Paso por aquí debido a que mi numero de teléfono dice que no es posible validar por ahora y esto ocurrió después que la primera vez lo había configurado bien pero luego elimine la cuenta y quise volver a instalar. podrían ayudarme por favor? los números son +584123946476

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Hello! I’ve whitelisted device + 584123946476. The user should be able to log in now.


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Gracias; problema solucionado y confieso que es un EXCELENTE SERVICIO!


So, to clarify - a driver CAN be logged in to 2 different companies as long as she logs in with unique phone # on each and with an alternative username for each instance, without offending the program logic?

In the United States, Ridshare labor law probibits any company operator from restricting drivers from driving w another operator.

I know you don’t have that many Onde clients in US, but in the future as you grow more in our markets that’s a consideration that you might want to integrate to the logic.

Hi, RumboRideshare!

If these are 2 different companies, there are no limitations. The driver can register in both of them using the same phone number or with 2 different phone numbers if she wants to.

The issue described in this thread is about 2 drivers with different phone numbers using the same device (mobile phone). Our app sees that phone number A logs into the app, then logs out and phone number B tries to access the same app from the same device. Such behaviour is marked as fraud.

Hope this clarifies=) Let me know if you have any more questions!
