PickmeApp: clarity on it operation

First Question
Is it possible to see the number of people who have downloaded the PickmeApp within the operating area of my company?

Second Question
What is the minimum or maximum radius between the an active driver and a client who is requesting a ride? Reason am asking there was a time a client requested a ride and it system said no driver available while there were active drivers.

Dear Khabazela,

  1. No, Onde light partners cannot see the number of users who downloaded PickmeApp.
    You can check your client database in My hub > Reports. Client reports show data about the customers who made at least 1 order in your company.

  2. The maximal distance between drivers and pick up location is defined by you in My hub > Drivers > Drivers management > Driver settings. Drivers can adjust their working radius in the app by making it smaller, but not larger than defined in your company settings as advised above.
    Driver settings | Onde Help Center


Thank you
Kind Regards
Scelo Mhkize

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