Clarity on PickmeApp


My question is based on PickmeApp available for Ondelight.I’ve noted that it’s unbranded app & available for free on Onde.light.I want to know that can it be used concurrently with a branded web app on Ondelight?Because I’ve registered my company using my own brand and logo for customer web app.As I’m busy marketing a brand name of my company to customers.
Thank you.

Dear Keletsom,

Yes, you can use Web app and PickmeApp concurrently. Web app is used in a browser and PickmeApp can be installed on a device from the app store. PickmeApp cannot be customized with your brand name and logo. This can be done within full White-Label solution only.

Please also mind that PickmeApp app shows all the services of all companies in the operational area. Let’s say a client requests an Economy service via PickmeApp and there are several companies that provide Economy service on different Economy tariffs in this area (including branded app companies). The customer app will show the lowest rate for this service. The offers for such orders will go to all drivers who provide Economy service as per intelligent queue algorithm. In case an Economy driver receives such an order he will process it on the rate relevant for the Economy service of his company.


Hi once again, Anna!
I trust this message finds you well.
Still on PickmeApp.Yes, I’ve noted you said it’s possible that a web app and Pickme app can be used concurrently.
Here is a catch for me.I launched my business as on demand courier and not ride hailing.That means the service types that I use for my customized and branded web app are cargo vans and minibuses for courier.That’s how I wanted my business model to be and I market it as on demand instead of ride hailing.So using Pickme app which is for ride-hailing service on my on demand service won’t be a problem or cause a confusion?
Or I can introduce Pickme app for ride hailing service as another division of my company on Onde.Ligjt?If that’s the case, will the Pickme app use its own tariffs instead of one’s that I configured on myHub for my courier business as per vehicle classes that difference with normal cars for ride-hailing?On my courier business, I added a sedan car(Classic) to be used as one of my service types for carrying out courier.
Thank you.
Kind regards,

Dear Keletsom,

We do not offer any separate mobile app for courier services, thus the only option is to use PickmeApp. The app itself doesn’t differentiate between ride-hailing companies and courier companies. As it is still not a branded mobile app but a generic one, it will show the services of all the companies available in your region. You cannot isolate this app to your services only.
Also, if you create a Classic tariff, and another company in your region has this tariff as well, you will not be able to use Custom name for this tariff. The app will show the default name (Classic) instead of the custom name given in your company settings. So you can play with tariffs, choose a tariff with a suitable icon which is not used by other companies of your region (it may be some rarely used tariff), and give it a custom name. If the other companies of your region do not have this tariff, the app will show your custom tariff name.
The same logic applies to the fee settings. I’ve explained it in more detail in my previous response. So my advice would be to play with tariffs and find the one that is not used by other companies of your region.
