Dúvidas no painel

Tou testando o painel os aplicativos tanto como o do motorista como do passageiro, só fiquei em dúvida existe a carteira digital de saldo pra os clientes adicionar ?
Outra questão é como faço o repasso do valores pra o motorista ? É impressão minha o painel é limitado na versão free ? Como faço pra adicionar a Categoria de moto ?

Dear Marceone,

Credit card payments are available only for Onde partners who purchased full White-Label solution. Onde light package doesn’t include in-app payments, unfortunately.

As there are no in-app payments, there’s no need to transfer funds to the drivers. Drivers receive money from customers directly in cash. You can charge your company commission from your drivers for performing an order with the help of driver plans: Managing driver plans | Onde Help Center
Drivers can’t top up their in-app balance with credit cards either. They can top up balance only by bringing cash to you directly. Once funds are received, your company manager can top up the driver’s balance in My hub. Please check this post, point 2: How can a driver top-up the balance? | Onde Help Center

Motorcycle tariffs are available in our platform by default. Please check this guide: Adding tariffs and service types | Onde Help Center


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