Pickme App Pricing


Will you elucidate on the pricing of using Pickme App?I want to understand that, is it possible or allowed for firms to customize pricing of Pickme App by configuring tariffs on admin panel or myHub?
Thank you.

Dear Keletsom,

You can share generic PickmeApp apps with your customers. However, PickmeApp app shows all the services of all companies registered in the same operational area as your company. Let’s say a client requests an Economy service via PickmeApp and there are several companies that provide Economy service on different Economy tariffs in this area (including branded app companies). The customer app will show the lowest rate for this service. The offers for such orders will go to all drivers who provide Economy service as per intelligent queue algorithm. In case an Economy driver receives such an order he will process it on the rate relevant for the Economy service of his company.


Hi Anna,

Thank you for the reply.I think I’ll try this Pickme app by registering another company on Onde.Light in another City to offer a ride hailing service.Thus at the moment, I registered my company on Onde.Light to offer on-demand courier instead of ride hailing service.That’s why in the previous email I said, the service types that I use and configured pricing for them on myHub are for deliveries such as cargo vans and cargo minibuses.I only have one service type of a sedan(Classic) that I included for my courier service.I think if I can use Pickme app for same courier business might cause confusion amongst customers.But I’ll see because I prioritize on marketing my business for courier using a branded and customized Web app on Ondelight.

Dear Keletsom,

There is a great variety of service types available for set up in My hub. As advised in my previous message, you can choose any tariff with a suitable for you picture and give it a custom name. If this tariff is not used by any other company in your region, the custom name will be displayed in the PickmeApp.

Surely, it’s up to you to decide whether to mix ride-hailing and courier services in one app, or not.

Have a nice day!