Unable to Login


Big problem…
Since yesterday, I’m unable to Login as a driver.
I’m not receiving the verification code, via SMS.

Can you help me?
Is there any other way to verify my driver’s account?!

Antonio Oliveira

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Dear Antonio,

Kindly proceed with the following troubleshooting steps:

1. kill and restart the app
2. reinstall the app
3. make a new attempt to get an sms code

Also, to rule out any device issues, please:

-Power Cycle the device (turn it off and then turn it back on again) to reconnect to Carrier Network
-Free up memory by deleting old messages
-Make sure the device is in good cell coverage
-Make sure the device is not in roaming status or ported
-Check if sms traffic from other apps is delivered
-Alternatively, please swap the SIM to another phone to verify if the delivery issue is phone-related

If all the above is done and you are still failing to get sms code, kindly advise the full phone number with the country code, and I will escalate the issue to our sms gateway provider for further resolution.

I would also appreciate :

date and time an SMS was requested (request should be within last 24-48 hours);
name of the mobile network provider;

Looking forward to your reply.


Hello Ana,

Already tried all the steps that you mentioned.
No luck…

These are the 2 phone numbers that are unable to login right now.

I’ve immediately instructed all the other drivers not to log off their accounts.
This problem was detected less than 12 hours ago.

Thanks for your help.

Antonio Oliveira

Hello again Ana,

Definitely there’s a problem with the driver’s App.

I tried to login with another phone number, and again, no SMS was received…

Please check the problem.
Tell me if there’s another way to validate the account and login to the drivers App.

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Antonio,

I hope you are well

Do I get it right that both numbers are Portuguese and the drivers are trying to log into the app being physically in Portugal?

Could you confirm that the numbers are not in roaming and have not been ported from another operator?


Hello Irina,

Yes, correct.
Both numbers are Portuguese, both of them operating in Porto, Portugal.
No roaming applies.

Both numbers were already operating normally, and we’re not able to login ONLY after logging off.

Urgent help and solution is necessary.

Dear Antonio,

Please, specify if your drivers see XXXX or XXXXXX on the screen of the app when requesting OTP?




4 digits code


Hello Anna,

Any update on this situation?!

Antonio Oliveira

Dear Antonio,

Thank you for clarifying. Please note that we forwarded this issue for further investigation by our SMS gate.
We will let you know as soon as there’s an update.


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Thank you very much.

Dear Antonio,

I’ve checked the SMS logs for the provided phone numbers and see that the latest SMS requests were made in May and June. Our SMS gate needs fresh cases to investigate that were made 24-48 hours ago.

Is there any error message when drivers try to log in and request SMS? Do you have fresh cases?


Please check +351939660409

This was tested less than one hour ago.
Trying to login on my Android phone…

Dear Antonio,

The latest SMS request for this number was logged on May 13th.

Is there any error message when a driver tries to sign in?


Hello Anna,

No, no error message…

Just the code that doesn’t show up.

Dear Antonio,

In the dashboard I still see that the latest request for SMS from +351939660409 was made on May 13. Please, make a screen recording demonstrating the process before the problem appears step-by-step.


Hello Anna,

Until last week, I had the driver’s App logged in on my both phones. iOS and Android…
And it worked perfectly.
When I opened the App on one phone, it closed automatically on the other.

Unfortunately, I logged off my Android, and now I just don’t receive any SMS code.
I don’t even dare to log off on the iOS…

But the most urgent matter is one of my drivers…

He just can’t login…
And on the system, he now shows up as “invited”

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Dear Antonio,

Thank you for the details provided. Please note that we are investigating the problem on our side and will update you soon.


Dear Antonio,

Kindly note that Portugal is switched to another sms gateway,

Kindly test the sms delivery and advise on status



Hello Irina.

Everything is now working perfectly!!
Thanks for your help.

Antonio Oliveira